Mocking Modules

Vitest provides utility functions to mock modules. You can access them on vi object that you can import from vitest package or access globally, if you have global config enabled.



Type: (path: string, factory?: () => any) => void

Makes all imports to passed module to be mocked. Inside a path you can use configured Vite aliases.

  • If there is a factory, will return its result. The call to vi.mock is hoisted to the top of the file, so you don't have access to variables declared in the global file scope, if you didn't put them before imports!
  • If __mocks__ folder with file of the same name exist, all imports will return its exports.
  • If there is no __mocks__ folder or a file with the same name inside, will call original module and mock it.


Type: (path: string) => void

Removes module from mocked registry. All subsequent calls to import will return original module even if it was mocked.


Type: <T>(path: string) => Promise<T>

Imports module, bypassing all checks if it should be mocked. Can be useful if you want to mock module partially.

vi.mock('./example', async () => {
  const axios = await vi.importActual('./example')

  return { ...axios, get: vi.fn() }


Type: <T>(path: string) => Promise<MaybeMockedDeep<T>>

Imports a module with all of its properties (including nested properties) mocked. Follows the same rules that vi.mock follows. For the rules applied, see algorithm.


Type: <T>(obj: T, deep?: boolean) => MaybeMockedDeep<T>

Type helper for TypeScript. In reality just returns the object that was passed.

import example from './example'

test('1+1 equals 2' async () => {

 const res = example.calc(1, '+', 1)


Automocking algorithm

If your code is importing mocked module, but there are no __mocks__ file for this module or a factory, Vitest will mock the module itself by invoking it and mocking every export.

  • All arrays will be emptied
  • All primitives and collections will stay the same
  • All objects will be deeply cloned
  • All instances of classes and their prototypes will be deeply cloned

Additionally, unlike Jest, mocked modules in __mocks__ are not loaded unless vi.mock() is called.